April 2, 2009

What a mess!

Here are some pictures of Noah eating one of his favorite meals.
Can you guess what it is by looking at his face?

Who needs a dishwasher when you have a tongue!

Uh oh! He must have ate too much! I managed to capture Noah's "I am pooping" face in action. It looks like he is crying, but he is not. Only grunting!
Seriously Mom. Quit taking pictures of me and change this diaper for crying out loud!!


Aunt Peg said...

So cute - you truly did capture the moment. That spaghetti must have been delicious!!!

Grandma Connie said...

He cracks me up. He puts that thumb in his mouth between bites, and takes it out as soon as he sees another spoonful coming. What a dolly!

Katy said...

His poop face is too funny!