May 20, 2009

T-ball Time

T-ball season has begun! This is Nicholas's 2nd year playing t-ball. He had lots of fun playing last year and couldn't wait for it to start up again!

The thing I love most about t-ball season is that Nicholas and Nick have father/son time especially since Nick is the team coach. They both have bonded through this sport! The only problem is that Nicholas is only interested in t-ball when there is practice with the team or a game. I think Nick would like him to be a little more enthusiastic about practicing at home, but who wants to practice when you have a garage full of cool things to ride on and play with?

The thing I dislike the most is that all the games are on Sundays. Yep, that means I don't get to go to many games. However, I did get to go to his game on Mother's Day because I took the day off from work. Grandma Violet was there too! We were so excited to see him play!

1 comment:

Katy said...

Great action pics! Can't wait to come to your next game Nicholas!