June 26, 2009


It has been so HOT here lately that the boys and I decided we needed a pool in our backyard. Here they are waiting for me to blow it up.

Noah waited patiently too!

Time for the water!
We hooked the hose up to the sink in the laundry room so that the water was not too cold.

Bella Bella!

My water baby.

Joshua was so excited to have his baby brother in the pool with him.

All 3 boys

He held that cup and spoon the entire time.

Big brother Nicholas pouring Noah some "tea".

Baby Noah

Because Joshua could not wait his turn for the Larry the Lobster float, he improvised and used Noah's baby float.

Mr. Pickles

Catching some rays!

Mr. Joshua-a boppity-bop

Joshua the pool's lifeguard

"It doesn't get much better than this"

My pool boys! Are the handsome or what!?!

This picture is for my Daddy.
Aren't you so proud that I am actually growing flowers in my backyard?


Mom said...

They look so cool all together. I have to send you a picture of you and your brothers in Guam out in the pool and SLip and SLide to show the boys. Dad loves the flowers, I'm glad that you are tending to them. I hope you had a pump to blow that pool up. I will have one here in Texas when you finally come.

Katy said...

Yay, what fun! I love the pics of the boys on the lobster float!

Angie said...

Pool pics are GREAT! You have the perfect spot for that in your shaddy backyard! It's been so hot outside - the pool will definitely cool everyone off!

Oh - your flowers look GREAT too!!!

Roma said...

They look like they had a great time! Gotta love the summer!