September 23, 2009

Apple Picking

Today was Joshua's apple picking field trip at Eckerts Orchard! He has been looking forward to picking his very own apples. We took a wagon ride deep into the orchards filled with Golden Delicious, Jonathan, and Red Delicious apples. He was able to pick an apple off the branch, rub it on his belly (to clean it), then eat it! His favorite was the Golden Delicious apple. So far he has eaten 4 apples today! I only hope he doesn't get a belly ache later.

Joshua +Tractor Ride = a BIG grin!

Joshua and Ms. Amy

Picking Jonathan apples (my favorite)

Picking Golden Delicious (his favorite)

We found a grasshopper!

Mommy and Joshua

Picking a Red Delicious apple

We love our tractors!

Look at how big I am!


mom said...

Yeah apple picking. Hilaria favorite. Johnantan are my favorite too, it was my dad's too.

Katy said...

What a beautiful day for apple picking! Joshua looks like he had a blast!