January 7, 2010

Snow Day!

Last night, we got what we have been waiting for all winter long....SNOW! I am not sure why, but I still get excited when school gets cancelled because of snow. I am no longer a student nor am I a teacher, but it some how still puts a smile on my face. Nicholas and Joshua were eager to go to bed last night knowing that when they woke up there would be snow everywhere. After eating cinnamon rolls for breakfast and getting dressed in our snow gear, we headed outside to play. Noah was even able to enjoy the snow with us this time. (he was too little to enjoy it last year) He had mixed feelings about all the white fluffy stuff on the ground. It was hard for him to walk around in it due to the depth of it and the fact that he was bundled up so much that he could barley move! We all had fun on the new sled that Grandma Ganz (Nick's maternal Grandmother) gave to us for Christmas. Even Noah hopped on for a ride! We couldn't stay out for too long because it was/and still is COLD out (16 but with the windchill it feels like 1). Lord knows I don't need any sick babies!

Here is Nicholas enjoying his "snow day"

Here is Daddy/Nick "enjoying" his snow day

Trying out the new sled

Baby Noah all bundled up

He was the only one who cooperated with me taking pictures

My snow baby

Here he is saying "cheese"

Sledding in the street. Gotta love it!

See. I told you he was the only one that cooperated.

A little help from Daddy

There they go again

Even our neighbors, the Carrs, joined in on the fun

This is what a snow day is like after all is said and done!

Shhh....don't wake them up. I am enjoying my book in peace!


Jaycie and Randy said...

Glad you guys enjoyed your snowday!! Teachers don't all love snowdays...I wish we were going back tomorrow! Its nice to have a break but I hate them in June!!

Abuelita Violet said...

Looks like the kids had fun but this looks way to cold for us.
I hope this weather leaves Illinois for your birthday I won't want to go out! if it's too cold.
Keep the boy's bundle up as well as you Elizabeth
Te Quiero Mucho, Y con mucho besos!

Grandma Connie said...

I so enjoyed your post today. And, I will tell my mom that the boys enjoyed her gift! It will make her very happy. This weather is scary cold, but you put some sunshine in my day.

Katy said...

Oh, poor Noah taking a face plant into the snow!

Poor Jami never got outside today, b/c her Mommy is no fun.

Brittany said...

Looks like the entire family had a lot of fun playing in the snow. I love snow days, but I do not like the cold snow!

Roma said...

How fun!!!!

Tia Lala said...

this looks awsome, i wish i was there. i would have enjoyed going sledding, its been so long since i have been! glad you took them out, i remember getting all the gear on and going outside when it snowed and i had a blast!! miss you all very very much.