November 13, 2008

We've got a visitor!

Uncle Andrew (my brother) is in town visiting all the way from Texas! He came into town to go to a friend's wedding. As a bonus, he gets to hang out with his Favorite sister (yeah, that's right Hilaria! Haha!) and nephews (mind you my boys are the only nephews he has, but it sounds so much better with the word "favorite" in there) The boys have been having fun wrestling and playing outside with him. It's been nice having him here to entertain the boys! I enjoy seeing them with him because it's something that I do not get to see often enough being that my family is not close by. Here are some pictures of the boys with their Uncle Andrew.

Uncle Andrew and Noah

Wrestle Mania with Uncle Andrew

You want some of this punk?

I think I will let my 2 older brothers take care of business while I sit back, relax, and suck on my thumb!


Katy said...

Those boys are so lucky to have so many fun uncles!!!

I love the photo of baby Noah sucking on his thumb. He looks just like his Daddy as a baby!

Anonymous said...

I cannot remember ever rolling around on the floor with one of my uncles. These grandkids certainly have a lot of fun with their extended family members.

Love the picture of Noah watching!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like they are having a blast.
I'm so happy that Andrew is hanging out with you all.
Dad ask Andrew to make sure that he picks up Nicholas and Joshua upside down with one foot.

Wish we could be there to make great memories for your family. You never know we may someday be near again, to bad that it's way to cold there in the winter. That sucks!
Texas winters are nice you know. Ha Ha!

Baby looks so beautiful, I love that he look more like you. I love his brown eyes he got from his mommy, Grandpa Bob and Me!

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on, Violet -- that's what winter coats are for. They make some really cute ones!! We would so love to have you close by. Cold days make you appreciate the nice ones -- and it is so nice to have your family together when it is cold outside -- bring on the chili!