October 16, 2008

Leaf Art

Collecting the leaves for our art project. Thanks Mr. Paul (our neighbor) for donating leaves!
Our materials.
Nicholas hard at work.
Joshua hard at work.
Tah dah! Look at my leaf man!
And look at the great job Joshua did too!


Katy said...

Nicholas & Joshua, you are both such talented artists! What great leaf men!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed. What a fun project, and kudos to Mom for you patience!!

Anonymous said...

Can you have the boy's send me a leaf man. We Don't have the fall season. Which is the season I miss the most.
Better yet just mail me some colorful leaves.
ELizabeth you are a great mom, I know that your boys will appreciate you as they grow older on how you are always there for them and how you take the time to interact with them.
Remember to take time for yourself (Spa time)so you can reguvinate and give more to your family.
I wish I could be there to spoil you and to help with the boy's.
I love you all

Angie said...

What great leaf men!!!! Very cute!