February 12, 2009

100th Day of Kindergarten!

Today marked Nicholas's 100th day of Kindergarten! His teacher gave the class a special homework project related to the festivities. He was to get an empty water bottle and fill it up with 100 of the same objects. Nicholas decided to fill his bottle up with Valentine Kissables (candy). He said that others in his class filled their bottles with pennies, marshmallows, noodles, etc. We had fun doing the project together!

After school, I asked Nicholas, "Now that it has been 100 days since you have been in Kindergarten what are some of your favorite things about school?" Here were his answers.

  1. What is your favorite subject? Gym. My favorite game we play is Freeze Tag!

  2. What is your favorite thing that you do in your classroom? We read "popcorn" words.

  3. Who is your best friend in your class? Braden Bryant

  4. What is your favorite thing to eat at lunch? Chicken nuggets and mac-n-cheese.

  5. What is your favorite thing to do at recess? Play kickball with my friends.

  6. What is your favorite song that you sing in music? My Country Tis of Thee.

  7. What is your favorite story that you read in your classroom? Abraham Lincoln


Katy said...

Congrats Nicholas on making it to 100 days! I think it's great that you love school so much. :)

Anonymous said...

I really miss you NIcholas. Happy Cien Day
Grandma Violet.
Call me Sometime will ya!
You do know your numbers right?

Jaycie and Randy said...

WOW!! 100 days is such a fun day in Kindergarden!! Now you are closer to first grade!! More than half way done, why does time fly so fast???