February 5, 2009

Baby's new shoes

Noah has new shoes! I finally broke down and bought him a pair. It's not that I didn't have the money. It was that I was too lazy to go and get his little foot measured to see what size I needed to buy. (Gosh that makes me sound terrible) Last week, I finally journeyed out to the mall to get him measured. I went to stride rite because I have always gone to stride rite for my boys' 1st shoes. He measured in at a size 4. He is the 1st Walter baby to have regular width feet. If you don't remember my Nicholas had the fattest feet ever! He wore a triple E which is triple wide in stride rite language. Joshua wore an E which translates to wide. Maybe Noah will take after his mommy and have a narrow foot!

Anyways, I could not see myself paying $45+ on a pair of shoes that will not even be worn for walking purposes. Instead, I went on stride rite.com and found a pair for $20 with shipping included. You know me. I am a bargain shopper!


Katy said...

Liz, we should really start a bargain shopping business together!

Mr. Noah looks so grown up in his shoes. And he looks so proud of them. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh so cute - he seems to like them. Yes, first shoes are always from Stride Rite. Before we know it he will be walking - oh boy!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think he likes his new shoes! He looks real happy to show them to all of us. Big boy carseat, shoes, you want to come over and go through the 18-month clothes bin you keep at our house -- slow down, Baby Noah!