February 25, 2009

What a character!

A while back I blogged about Joshua saying some of the cutest things. Today, I am going to post about some of the darnedest things he has said lately! Here we go!

Scenario #1: Yesterday, I took Joshua and Noah to the grocery store. I was in the baby food aisle and naturally there was a mother with her baby in the aisle with us. When I saw the baby I thought, " That baby's head is huge!" I knew that Joshua would think the same as soon as he saw him. Well, I was right. Next thing I know, Joshua loudly stated the obvious. It went like this. "Mommy. Look at that baby. He has a BIG head!" Needless to say I was embarrassed!

Scenario #2: We were sitting in the living room the other day and I looked over at Joshua. He was sitting on the couch with a puzzled look on his face. I asked him what was wrong. His response was, "air just came out of my butt and it smells like carrots." I cracked up and then thought to myself, man I need a little girl!!!!


Anonymous said...

OH my goodness Im dying laughing over there...the second one is the best!! LOL He is so funny!!

Jaycie and Randy said...

I love that kid!! He cracks me up!!

Katy said...

Oh, I sure do miss hearing Joshua & his take on the world! I cracked up hearing the story about the air smelling like carrots! :)

Anonymous said...

He is one of a kind, and very special!! Those blue eyes are going to give you trouble some day.

Anonymous said...

He does come up with funny stuff. In church I gave him a piece of gum and he states "really tasty". He was good - didn't even swallow.