July 20, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Last month, all 3 boys went to swimming lessons to become better swimmers. This was right up their alley because my boys LOVE to go swimming and that is just what we did every morning for 2 weeks straight! This year Nicholas was in Level 2 and Joshua tested into Level 1. I could definitely see an improvement by the end of 2nd week! Nicholas looked like a miniature Micheal Phelps with his freestyle stroke while Joshua mastered floating on his back and stomach. Little Noah and I had  "Mommy and Me" swim lessons together. He had so much fun singing songs and splashing in the water. He even learned how to float on his back and blow bubbles in the water using his mouth! At the end, the boys passed their swim tests and graduated to the next level for next summer. Great job Nicholas, Joshua, and Noah!

Nicholas A.K.A Mr. Phelps

Nicholas doing the back stroke for his instructor.

Nicholas taking a breather after swimming out to his instructor.

Joshua waiting for his turn to swim.

Joshua learned how to go under water without having to plug his nose.

Here is Joshua floating on his belly!

Noah's class didn't start till after Nicholas and Joshua's class was over. 
Here is Noah sitting by the pool watching and cheering on his big brothers.

Joshua with his swimming instructor!

Nicholas with his swimming instructor!

Noah with his swimming instructor!


Jaycie and Randy said...

You sure are catching up the blog, and I love it!! Swimming lessons look like fun!! We are hoping to get Liv in some lessons this fall, she is a bit to brave for her own good!! Way to go Walter Boys~!!

Katy said...

How cute are all 3 of your swimmers! Miss you guys!