June 24, 2009

Finger Painting

Apparently, I have not let the boys finger paint before. Here is the thing. They have painted with paint brushes, but never their fingers.

The other night, I set the paper and paint on the table for Nicholas and Joshua. After I was done opening the jars of paint, I stepped back and said, "Okay. Go ahead and paint." Nicholas then asked, "Where are the brushes?" I explained to them that finger painting means using your fingers as paint brushes. You should have seen their expressions when I told them to use their fingers. Their eyes and grins were HUGE!

The paint kept them busy for about an hour (long enough for me to watch my T.V. show without interruptions)! Yes, I had some cleaning up to do afterwards, but I did not mind. They had too much fun for me to even care!


Jaycie and Randy said...

BEATUTIFUL art!! We love to finger paint here too!! I aslo just got some dot art paint that is neat, it looks like bingo markers but the kids like it!!

Jaycie and Randy said...

BTW i will definately call you about the childrens museum!! I thought of you while we were there! I know the boys would all enjoy it!

Katy said...

Did Joshua paint his own name??? His painting looks very artistic! And Nicholas, your painting is awesome!

Mom said...

I smile when I read this. I'm sure that they had a blast knowing that they could paint with with there fingers and not get in trouble for it.

Grandma Connie said...

I am amazed at how well they draw/paint! Not a Walter/Ganz talent!! Very nice work, and what a fun idea.