August 17, 2008

Fun at Tia's House

TGIS!! Thank Goodness It's Sunday. I know that to most people the acronym is TGIF. However, when you work weekends, like me, it is definitely TGIS!

Nick, the boys, and I went out to Tia's house to drive Uncle Justin's new go-kart this past Thursday. While home, on a break from playing basketball overseas, Justin decided that he needed a new toy. Well, as you can imagine the go-kart is a big hit with the kids (that includes Nick)! Even little Jamison rides in it! I let Nick take me for a spin in it and I must admit that it is FUN! I think that I may have even screamed like a little kid on a roller coaster. Don't worry Justin. I can pretty much guarantee that Nick will not let the go-kart collect dust while you are away!

1 comment:

Katy said...

So glad you guys came out. We had a great time, & I'm sure Justin is happy somebody is enjoying his go-kart. :)