August 21, 2008

Look who's 3!!!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you! Happy
Birthday dear Joshua!
Happy Birthday to you!

My goodness, where does the time go? It seems like it was only yesterday that Nick was driving 90MPH through Belleville at 6 in the morning so that Joshua would not make his grand entrance into the world in our Mountaineer!!! Our little man is growing up so quick. I feel as though the more children I have, the faster they grow. We celebrated Joshua's birthday last week by throwing him a pool party. However, I could not let today seem like any other day so I sang "Happy Birthday" to him all day long. He had a "birthday lunch" (complete with a hot fudge sundae) at McDonalds (his choice of course) with Nicholas, Noah, Grandma Connie, Tia, Jamison, and I. Here are some pictures of my little Joshua!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are really 3?!! Such a big helper, and so smart already. Hope you had a fun birthday week.